Writer. Author. Storyteller.
My Bio
I am a graduate of Washington College in Chestertown, Maryland and the 2001 recipient of the Sophie Kerr Prize, the largest undergraduate literary award in the country. I won the prize for a collection of creative non-fiction short stories written about the Delmarva Peninsula. That collection, Crossings, eventually became my first book, published in May 2008. My second book, Chasing Alice, is set to be released in September 2020.
Since the publication of my first book, I have continued to write articles, short stories, essays, and memoir pieces for outlets like She Write: Visions and Voices of Seaside Scribes, Coastal Style, Medium, and One True Thing. I was a 2016 Light of Literacy award winner and I serve as the president of the Lower Eastern Shore chapter of the Maryland Writers Association. In addition to being a judge for several regional writing contests, I also co-host (with my good friend and fellow author, Tony Russo) a writing podcast called So, What’s Your Story?
In May 2013, I opened Salt Water Media, an independent self-publishing company in Berlin, Maryland. My passion for writing and seeing those works brought to life inspired me to help other writers do the same.
A loud and proud, born and bred Marylander, I now live in southern coastal Delaware with my incredible wife, Patty, and our sweet pup, Lima.